Monday, April 21, 2008


I know I said that I'd be posting more often, lately, to get back into the swing of things, and I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up on that.

The final few steps involving Thousand Leaves are going on right now. I think I have gotten all but the last few pieces my personal input into the process, with a few remaining bits that I'll do tonight. After that, though, the book itself is very quite nearly done.

I've got a cover. I've got interior art. I've got my dedication page and my author bio; I've been through the manuscript and have done some last-minute editing changes for layout purposes, consistency, and adding some clever little hints that allude to my second novel, the one I'm currently still afraid to work on.

In just over two months, it'll be a book for real, and I'm scared and excited to know that.

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